Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas Volunteering 2012

Hello all,

We are in our 3rd year of the Christmas in Rochester event, and we're once again having it at Rick's Prime Rib, 898 Buffalo Rd, Rochester, NY 14624. 

We have been blessed with an enormous response from our Penfield Community by way of volunteering and also food preparation/donation and we're hopeful that this year will be no different.  Our goal this year is to be able to serve EVERY family that walks through our doors rather than have a set limit, but that requires a community effort.  

To date we have provided a wonderful Christmas Day meal to close to 300 hundred families in two years, and we have also provided close to 750 gifts to the children of those families.  The gifts are donated by the Pirate Toy Fund of Rochester, NY.

Just a quick summary of the event.

Date: December 25th, Christmas Day
Time: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. - approximately
Location: Rick's Prime Rib
Benefiting: Rochester Families that are making an impact in their community but don't always have the means to provide for their own


Using the attached link, you will find a spreadsheet with two tabs.  One tab is for Christmas Day Volunteers, and the other is for Food Preparation/Donation.  Please feel free to sign up for both, or one, or the other.....whatever you think that you can do.  We encourage full family participation as this is a great experience for all involved.

Each tab has specific instructions, so please follow carefully so that we can get an accurate count of both volunteers, and food.

We appreciate your consideration and your blessings as we work to make this Christmas Day, 2012, a special moment for so many in our city.

God Bless,

John Webster

Celebrate the Red B Championship!

Check out this Penfield Red B Video:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Penfield Post Article about Red B Victory!

Penfield Youth Football Red B Team wins Championship

Friday night, in Victor, under the lights, Penfield Youth Football’s Red B team (9-11 year olds) won the AYFCL Championship over Pittsford Gold 22-0. The first half was a defensive struggle as both teams had four play, goal line stands inside the 10 yard line as the half ended 0-0.
Head Coach Kurt Harnischfeger inspired his team at half time stating that if we score with a drive after the second half kickoff, the game would be won. It did not take that long as Thomas Pelish returned the kickoff 70 yards for a touchdown. The point after touchdown was then kicked by Sonny Burch (which is worth 2 points at this level) and Penfield gained a 8-0 lead.
The Penfield defense continued to hold Pittsford to minimal yards, giving up an occasional big play, but holding the line on critical plays. The third quarter ended with Penfield leading 8-0, but on the first drive of the fourth quarter, Penfield scored on a Max Hoadley 8 yard run up the middle. Once again, Sonny Birch added a 2 point kick. The final Penfield score was contributed by a Max Kropman 25 yard run and a dive to the end zone. The AYFCL Central Division B Trophy was presented to the team and was carried high overhead by each team member.
This Penfield Red B team lost only one game the entire season. Coaches Harnischfeger, Kropman, Pelish, Condon, Pampiano , Cardilli, Burch, and Salpaugh all addressed the team after the game and expressed how proud they are to be associated with such a great group of individuals.
The stands and sidelines were completely full of supportive Penfield fans, families, cheerleaders and players. Also in attendance was Kenny Moriarity as Patriot the Eagle, whose support is always welcome.
Penfield Youth Football and Cheer welcomes 7 to 13 year olds every year and teaches the fundamentals of Football, Cheerleading, team sports, sportsmanship, responsibility and pride. Registration starts in February each year and can be found at www.penfieldyouthfootball.org

Monday, October 15, 2012


Penfield Youth Cheer SWEPT the AYFCL championships on Saturday, October 13th taking first place at all (A/B/C) levels!

The A level cheerleaders were the Grand Champions of the entire event with the highest score for the entire competition.

Outstanding work!